9. Enjoying the Ride with Carolyn Williams

Season #1

If she didn’t do it, someone else would.


Carolyn Williams, Founder of Zephyr Cycling Studio, hadn’t known the destination—she just kept taking the next right step. 


After graduating with an English Major and Music Minor, Carolyn moved to New York City to work… not in English or Music. She soaked up lessons in professionalism, project management, and marketing that her future self would need. But her soul wanted more.


She found it at her first rhythm-based cycling class. The music, the movement, the people— that magical combination lit her up from inside. “I finally understood what it was to be passionate about something,” she says.


When life presented an opportunity to move home to Montana, she took that next right step. Every time she drove up the canyon to Bozeman, though, something nibbled at her soul. The town didn’t have a cycling studio, and her heart needed one to exist. 


So she built a welcoming, warm, pristine space that raises students’ heart rates—while lowering their blood pressures. And, she centered the business around community (and dogs) from day one.


When COVID hit, that community stepped up in ways Carolyn never could’ve imagined. Together, they fought to keep moving—together.


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