11. The Accidental Entrepreneur with Jen Ribble

Season #1

She’s not saying getting laid off is a good thing. But she’s not not saying it either.


Jen Ribble, Founder of Jen Ribble Writes, never planned to be her own boss. (Like, ever.) After all, she’d spent decades building her corporate resume and network of emotional support humans. She was good at her craft, comfortable, and well compensated.


Until she wasn’t. 


In January of 2020, out of the blue, Jen was laid off from her tech marketing job. With a cardboard box of belongings under one arm, she sent a text to a small group of friends as she left the office. “Please send writing projects my way until I figure out what to do next.”


Learn how her network stepped up, so much so that she turned down a “perfect job offer” sixty days later to pursue freelance full time. And it turned out that many of the requirements she had accepted about how work works were actually optional—like commuting and meetings before 11 a.m.


During a self-imposed year-long trial period, Jen discovered she could also earn more while working less. She noticed her stress level was at an all-time low. She had control over her own reality for the first time in her professional career. “I was able to keep doing good work without all the garbage.” 


With corporate life permanently in the rearview mirror, and retirement on the horizon, Jen proves it’s never too late to accidentally embrace entrepreneurship.


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