18. Nourishing Work with Heidi Williams

Season #2

Nutrition means listening to your body—really listening.


Heidi Williams believes all foods fit into your diet, and she would know. As a Registered Dietitian, Sports Dietitian, and NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, she’s passionate about transforming our relationship with food and our bodies.


“Weight loss isn’t the answer to happiness. There’s so much more to life.” Unfortunately, women entrepreneurs often feel surrounded by diet culture and body shaming. Managing a business is hard enough without constantly counting calories, cutting out comfort foods, or running on the hamster wheel (err, treadmill).


Whether you’re dealing with fatigue, stress, or simply forgetting to eat between meetings, prioritizing nutrition can fill your days with more energy, focus, and joy. And who doesn’t want to fill up on joy?!


In this episode, Heidi shifts our collective perspective around weight, nutrition, and fitness. She reveals how nutrition (and movement) can actually make you a better business owner. Plus, she explains why nine out of ten times, women aren’t eating ENOUGH food. “You don’t need to ‘love’ your body, but maybe don’t hate it so much.” Amen to that.


From mindset to practical tips, this episode gives you a lot to digest.


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