21. Emotional Rollercoasters with Robyn Egloff

Season #2

Robyn Egloff was born with a strong work ethic, but she had to learn to ask for help. 


Her graphic design career began at a traditional ad agency, an experience full of highs and lows. She loved the camaraderie and creativity. But 3 A.M. press checks for dog food bags? Woof.


When her first child arrived, she pared down. By kiddo #3, agency life was untenable. 


“Staying home with kids had always looked harder than going to work.” But financially, it made more sense. She tried the full-time-mom-thing but felt…incomplete.


The feeling spurred her into the world of freelance design. After a few years, she Co-Founded The Nest Collective, a boutique virtual agency, with two friends. 


In this episode, Robyn gets real about the emotional rollercoasters of business ownership, motherhood, and getting sued for work that was “too good.”


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