29. Making Space for Stress-Free Work with Noreen Music

Season #2

“The line between urgent and important gets really blurry.” (Cue text message DING!)


In this episode, we sit down with Noreen Music, the visionary behind Organize My Space to learn how to protect entrepreneurs’ most valuable resource—time. 


Learn how creating a planning practice can help you feel more organized, present, focused, and effective. By cultivating a stress-free and harmonious state of flow, Noreen shares how we can replace rigidity and overwhelm with abundance, freedom, and fulfillment. 


In this episode, you’ll learn how to:


  • Filter commitments to combat overcommitment
  • Overcome "poisonous perfectionism"
  • Swap between CEO Brain and Worker Brain
  • Break free from digital distractions and screen sucking
  • Achieve a flow state needed for deep work


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