28. How to Add Hours Back to Your Day with Mallory Underwood

Season #3

“It’s like having an executive assistant working on your behalf 24/7/365.”


In this episode, co-host Mallory Underwood shares the power of workflows and automation in streamlining small business operations. Harness these time-saving techniques and brainstorm all the ways a CRM can help make business feel better.


In this episode, you’ll learn how to:


  • Distinguish workflows and automations from traditional task lists.
  • Harness the power of CRM systems like Dubsado for repeatable duties.
  • Implement workflows for lead management and podcast guest coordination.
  • Understand the initial time investment required for setting up workflows.
  • Save 30% on Dubsado CRM and get a free consultation with Mallory!


For more inspiration, subscribe to Unbound Turnarounds on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts!