33. How to Get Paid What You're Worth with Kiri Mohan

Season #3

You’ve all heard it before, “time is money.” In this episode, guest Kiri Mohan, explains WHY! 


Kiri, Founder of Corporate2Contract, helps women freelancers who have a background in the corporate world take their contractor business from surviving to thriving. She explains how your pricing directly relates to time management and vice versa.


Your dream actually CAN be your reality. There is a way to have a career, a flexible schedule, and get paid what you deserve. But it requires reframing your mindset around pricing, identifying what you spend your time on, and lots of focus. Tune in for lots of tips on how to do just that! 


In this episode, you’ll learn how to:

  • Set your pricing in relation to your time.
  • Set tiered pricing for high attention clients. 
  • Accept hustle for a short period of time.
  • Balance being self-employed with your personal life.
  • Take your side hustle to full time. 


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