42. Systems and Simplicity with Alejandra Ortega

Season #4

In this week’s episode, Mallory is joined by Alejandra Ortega to talk about why systems are a key piece of any entrepreneur's support strategy and how to utilize them to ensure they are working for you!


For more than a decade, Alejandra has been supporting business owners in setting up automated systems to make their goals happen. Tune in to hear the main way to ensure systems work for you and why simplicity and ease should be your main focus when it comes to reviewing your tech stack.


In this episode, you’ll learn:


  • Why systems are a manifestation of your company values and goals.
  • The critical way to design systems (hint, it’s not about everyone else)!
  • How to get started with systems and automation. 
  • Why systems aren’t the end all be all and aren’t one and done.
  • That you are a walking business and why that means support is critical.


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