Unbound Turnarounds

Unbound Turnarounds

Hosted by: Mallory Underwood & Nicole Ross

Stop doing business alone. From surprise tax bills to operations overwhelm, juggling work and family to imposter fatigue, women entrepreneurs face challenges only fellow business owners truly understand. We're...


12. Pacing Yourself with Abby Nieten

Season #1

Inside a musty utility closet, dubbed the ‘pumping room’ for office mothers, Abby fought back tears.    She’d saved up three weeks of PTO to stay home with her new baby. She’d finagled a special paycheck schedule to...
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11. The Accidental Entrepreneur with Jen Ribble

Season #1

She’s not saying getting laid off is a good thing. But she’s not not saying it either.   Jen Ribble, Founder of Jen Ribble Writes, never planned to be her own boss. (Like, ever.) After all, she’d spent decades...
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10. Low-risk, high-reward business with Sarah Cauble

Season #1

She’s a proud mother of two—a young daughter and a boutique web design business.   Sarah Cauble is a self-proclaimed work-from-homebody, but her favorite title will always be “Mom.” It only took three months interning...
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9. Enjoying the Ride with Carolyn Williams

Season #1

If she didn’t do it, someone else would.   Carolyn Williams, Founder of Zephyr Cycling Studio, hadn’t known the destination—she just kept taking the next right step.    After graduating with an English Major and Music...
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8. Betting on Yourself with Rachel Downey

Season #1

She’s most proud of not quitting. But she certainly considered it.    Rachel Downey, Founder of Share Your Genius, has worn a lot of hats—and not just because she majored in Theater. From digital marketer to...
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7. Dream Job by Design with Ashley Wilhite

Season #1

She had a plan. The universe had a very different one.   From therapist to Uber driver, executive assistant to Human Design Coach, Ashley Wilhite knows a thing or two about pivoting. Armed with a Masters degree from...
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6. Seeking Option "C" with Margo Stoney

Season #1

Sometimes you have to step back to take a step forward.   Margo Stoney, Founder of High Mountain Creative, knows this all too well. Her entrepreneur origin story has a few stops and starts, but she’s grateful for the...
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5. Shifting Focus with Jenn Vernarsky

Season #1

“Don’t be afraid to ask for help, but that help might not be free.” Preach!   Jenn Vernarsky isn’t afraid to invest in herself, and it’s paid off—big time. Despite an established left-brain career in nursing, her...
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4. Fake It 'Til You Make It With Darby Knoll

Season #1

The key to success? Rad women who've always got your back.   Darby Knoll, Pack Leader at Darby's Dogs and Executive Director of Backcountry Squatters, shares her roundabout path from wannabe veterinarian to...
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3. Be Your Own Boss Bootcamp With Stefanie Jansen

Season #1

She still remembers flying to Montana and learning to 'eat the frog.'   Stefanie Jansen, Founder of Word4Word Writing, shares her origin story of becoming a freelance copywriter while raising four daughters (and one...
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2. More You & More Me With Mallory Underwood

Season #1

Even on the toughest days, entrepreneurship was still better than the alternative.   Mallory Underwood, Founder of More You and Co-Founder of Business Unbound, shares her story of juggling cross-country moves, two...
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1. Life Comes First With Nicole Ross

Season #1

It turned out her authentic self was only 1,500 miles and one business away.   Nicole Ross, Founder of Creative Quarterback and Co-Founder of Business Unbound, shares her story of professional and personal rebirth....
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